Physical Therapy
Physical therapists treat the consequences of disease or injury by addressing impairments, functional limitations, and/or disabilities in patients. Some of the more common conditions for which physical therapists examine and provide intervention and treatment include the following:
- Orthopedic conditions, such as low back and neck pain, headaches, and osteoporosis.
- Joint and soft-tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains, hand injuries, fractures and dislocations, and pre- and post-surgical conditions.
- Some Neurological conditions, such as stroke (high-level), neuropathy and peripheral nerve injury.
- Arthritic conditions, including: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Workplace injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cumulative trauma, and stress disorders.
- Sports injuries, such as overuse injuries and trauma in recreational and professional athletes.
For all appointments, please call 513.221.5500.